Workshops Masterclasses Conferences
Summer school sessions
All the year round, the CFTA organises training programmes personally tailored to suit your needs
Who for?
These training programmes are open to anybody who is interested in optimum personal and professional blossoming, whether in performance or public speaking.
These summer schools are organised around the key subjects:
Morning: work on the body and an Alexander Technique workshop, application of this to everyday movements
Afternoon: applying this onstage and with our instrument; the singers work with a piano accompanist, the actors work on pauses in the text; we look at the spoken and singing voice, at vowels and the breath
Applying the principles of Alexander Technique to instrumental practice.
Do not hesitate to contact us in order to find out more about our upcoming summer schools, what they cost and what they offer.
Coach: Agnès de Brunhoff
Singer and pianist, composer and qualified Alexander Technique teacher since 1993 (London Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique), vocal, instrumental and stage coach, Agnès de Brunhoff’s career has always embraced both performance and teaching. She has taught at the London Guildhall School of Music and Drama, the European Union Youth Orchestra and the Studio de Variétés (Popular Music Studio), and how holds teaching posts at the Paris Conservatoire (Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris) and the Paris Opera Academy. She runs a large number of workshops for music teachers in Paris and in conservatoires, and by invitation at the Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music and the DPAC in Kuala Lumpur.
In October 2008 she founded the Alexander Technique Training Centre (CFTAlexander), where she trains teachers of this Technique. She is currently coach to the Trio Atanassov and the singer Julie Robert Gendre.
In 2012 Delatour published Agnès de Brunhoff’s “En scène ! Corps à corps avec la Technique Alexander” with a revised version in 2015 and a translation with Joanna Britton “On stage ! Back to back with Alexander Technique”in 2013. It was followed in 2017 by “Les coulisses de l’être déployé” and its translation with Sophie Decaudaveine “Backstage mysteries of body and mind” éditions Delatour.